How Can We Assist You
Since 1996 Solutions Accounting, Tax, and Consulting, has assisted thousands of clients in areas of Grant Writing, Business Planning, Accounting, Payroll Processing, Turn-around Consulting, Business Brokering & Tax Resolution. Our offices are located in Greensboro, Charlotte and Warrenton, North Carolina. We pride ourselves on offering the most competitive pricing in all areas.

File Your Taxes
At Solutions Accounting and Finance we work with thousands of individuals and businesses when it comes to filing tax returns to ensure that you are receiving the maximum refund, or paying the least amount possible. We also provide ‘Forward Tax Planning’ to many of our customers throughout the year, where we advise on business decisions and purchases to ensure that when tax time comes round your tax burden is minimized. We use our extensive knowledge and experience to ensure your business investments and expenses are eligible for every deduction possible.
Expert Advice
Choosing a tax preparer is simple “Don’t Do It”. Choosing an “accountant” is the hard part. We pride ourselves on selecting only the most qualified staff to assist you with your tax situation and we understand that no two situations are just alike. When you chose us, you are choosing a firm composed of Degreed Accountants, MBA Professionals and persons with over 30 years of experience. Anyone can key in the numbers but it is important that they understand what they’ve keyed. All tax returns are guaranteed for accuracy and start as low as $99.00. Creating an optimal tax strategy can at times seem overwhelming considering the infinite number of taxes imposed on your business – income, sales and use, franchise, payroll, and unemployment to name a few. We will work with you to develop a plan to minimize your tax exposure, improve your balance sheet, and maximize your cash flow.
Tax Resolution
An offer in compromise (OIC) is an agreement between a taxpayer and the Internal Revenue Service that settles the taxpayer’s tax liabilities for less than the full amount owed. Absent special circumstances, an offer will not be accepted if the IRS believes that the liability can be paid in full as a lump sum or through a payment agreement. In most cases, the IRS will not accept an OIC unless the amount offered by the taxpayer is equal to or greater than the reasonable collection potential (RCP). The RCP is how the IRS measures the taxpayer’s ability to pay and includes the value that can be realized from the taxpayer’s assets, such as real property, automobiles, bank accounts, and other property. The RCP also includes anticipated future income, less certain amounts allowed for basic living expenses. “Taxpayers should beware of promoters’ claims that tax debts can be settled through the offer in compromise program for “pennies on the dollar”.
Contact Details
Daymond M. Milam
Concord Office
1 Buffalo Avenue Suite 2203 Concord, NC 28025
(704) 918-4274
Greensboro Office
379 S. Swing Rd Greensboro, NC 27409
(336) 292-0070
Warrenton Office
109 S Hall Street Warrenton NC 27589
252 257 3355
High Point Office
505 E Commerce Avenue High Point, NC 27260
(336) 307-3963